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Practice Week Six

I think I am ready for some finger picking. I was recently on a little road trip with my boyfriend and the amazing song “Fast Car” by...

Practice Week Five

Alright, so this week I would like to call flare week. This week was so crazy busy I honestly forgot that I was learning guitar. I picked...

Practice Week Four

Alright, so this week is the first taste of the final song week. I had written in my proposal that I wanted to learn “Stubborn Love” by...

Practice Week Three

Week three has felt like the most accomplished week yet! Learning the survival strum in class was nothing new as I am so used that...

Practice Week One

Well, the guitar is definitely different than my little ukelele. For my first week learning to play guitar, I focused on the chords D A...

Practice Week Two

I am slowly starting to get used the guitar, my fingers especially. This week I continued to practice the D A G chords. I focused on...

Physical Education Lesson

Physical Education Lesson Name: Madison Fouhse Date: November 21, 2018 Subject: Physical Education Grade: Three Content: (Topic):...

This is My Miskasowin Journey

My Miskawsowin Journey Video Script Hi, I’m Madison Fouhse and welcome to my miskasowin journey. Miskasowin is defined as finding one’s...

Miskâsowin: Treaty Event

Treaty education may seem like a daunting task. Settler educators may think that it is not their placed to educate on a culture that is...

Dear Audrey,

Dear Audrey, You would not believe where I am. Honestly I don’t even know where I am. Wow that’s freeing to say. I’ve tried writing this...

Ecoliteracy Braid

Ecoliteracy, a new word to me but a word I want myself and everyone around me to encompass and embody in their own way. I felt as though...

Ecoliteracy Love-letter

Dear Life Partner, I just want to say thank you, thank you for showing me the light in the world during the darkest of times. The way in...

Miskâsowin: Blog #2

How might you go about engaging in a miskâsowin process during this course? To engage with the concept of finding my center that the Cree...

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